Big auction winners all, from left, Karen Jordan won “Top Gun” premiere night tickets for $9,000 with Lourdes Nark, second from right; Co-Chair Linda Young won the Pinehurst golf package for $7,500, and her co-chair husband Burton Young, right, won the LA Basketball Legends Dinner prepared by Chef Amar Santana for 12 with Bill Walton and Jamaal Wilkes for $15,000.
Kure It Cancer Research’s Second Annual Rivals Cup Golf Tournament at Pelican Hill Golf Club drew 165 UCLA and USC supporters to raise $125,000 in net proceeds for cancer research. The awards dinner saw actor Miles Teller, who plays Goose’s son in the “Top Gun” sequel due to premiere June 2020, win Men’s Longest Drive.Photography Tony Lattimore
Representing UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center are Noah Federman, Fola May and Jason Ernest with USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center representatives Stephanie Hsieh and Martin Kast. Each cancer center received Kure It grants for $275,000 Kure It Communcations and Marketing Director Elizabeth Jones with Kure It Board Chairman Todd PerryAttending for USC was former USC and NFL quarterback star and Kure It board member Paul McDonald and with him cheering for UCLA was former MLB great Bobbie Grich Actor Miles Teller won Men’s Longest Drive at 307 yds. He is starring in the “Top Gun” sequel due out June, 2020, as Goose’s sonSisters Jaime Hoeven and Katie PolleyTyler Leeson, who won the Monterey Peninsula Golf package, and his wife Celeste Leeson