Collection Debuts Fan From Leading French Fan Maker
KUDOS Newport Beach Staff
The Fashion Institute of Merchandizing and Design Orange County is the location for the exhibit, “FANtasy: The Mona Lee Nesseth Fan Collection,” through June 11, 2020. A FIDM Museum Fashion Council luncheon/lecture was held at FIDM for 100 guests to view the exquisite historic collection, along with a lecture by master fan maker Sylvain Le Guen, who debuted his Nesseth-commissioned fan for the occasion. Photography Benjamin Shmikler/ABImages
Mona Lee Nesseth and master fan maker Sylvain Le Guen with the fan he created for Nesseth’s collectionFlower arrangement chair Susie Tuttle, event co-chairs Linda Knoth and Jeannine Abraham, FiDM Curator Kevin Johnson, FIDM Museum Associate Curator Christina JohnsonMary Roosevelt, Museum Fashion Council Chair Mima RansomKimberly Oswald, KUDOS Newport Beach Publisher Ana Launes, Cassandra MelhuishLianne Le Rein,, Michelle CousineauStephanie Lloyd, Jane Bigcas, Mona Lee Nesseth, Guy HendricksThe “Phébé” fan that started Mona’s collecting/Paris France, 1885Painted vellum and carved mother-of-pearl fan, Europe, 1855-65/Photo – Alex J. Berliner/ABImages