Meals on Wheels Orange County (formerly SeniorServ) unveiled its new name at its Ninth Annual Senior Care Hero Awards Gala and Fundraiser to more than 620 caring supporters and advocates for older adults. For more than 50 years, Meals on Wheels has been committed to erasing hunger and loneliness for at-risk older adults through nutritious meals, friendly visits and safety checks, and keeping families together through day services. Meals on Wheels Orange County President/CEO Holly Hagler announced the name change at the gala.
The Child Abuse Prevention Center in Anaheim has renamed itself The Priority Center to better represent the 36-year-old nonprofit organization’s move to provide programs and services for people of all ages in Orange County beyond just child abuse services. According to Executive Director Lisa Fujimoto, The Priority Center will focus on 10 life-changing programs that are designed to work with each family’s unique needs and ensure they reside in violence-free homes.