Rivals United for a Kure held “The Legacy Continues Gala” to celebrate the 10thanniversary of Kure It Cancer Research at City National Grove of Anaheim. USC and UCLA supporters helped net more than $250,000 for underfunded cancer research. Cancer survivor Mary Sardegna touched hearts, and Linda and Burton Young were honored for their longtime support. Photography Ann Chatillon, Carla Rhea

Margaret Steele, representing UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Cetner, and Jacqueline Bertole, representing USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, both recipient of Kure It Cacner funds Karen Jones and her daughter and cancer survivor Mary Sardegna, who was featured speaker Honorees Mike Brady and Scot Nguyen carla rhea photographer, Carla Rhea photography, Carla Rhea, Orange County Photographer, RIVALS UNITED FOR A CURE, ANAHEIM photographer, orange county photographer, event photographer, 714-273-6292, www.carlarheaphoto.com, USC, UCLA, ORANGE COUNTY, AUCTION, DONNA BUNCE Honorees Paul McDonald, Donna Bunce and Jack Baric Honoree Ryan Bloch with autographed Anaheim Ducks hockey stick from silet auction Hollywood U2 tribute band entertains. Barry Hoeven’s sons Chase and Drew Hoeven. Barry, who passed away from kidney cancer in 2016, founded Kure It Cancer Research Honoree City National Bank Vice Presidents Scott Cheo and Sarah Cleveland Honorees and Kure It board members Charles Byerly and Pam Domingue